Thursday, March 10, 2016

Think About Sharing

In today's world, thanks to the internet and technology, things can be shared with lightening speed.  Something can happen on the East coast and it is already old news by the time the West gets word of it.  In many ways this is actually quite nice but, I've been contemplating a way it is not.

When something happens it is a natural reaction to want share it.  When it is a tragedy there needs to be some serious thought given before sharing.  When something unthinkable happens in a community everyone is affected.  There is something in our nature that cries out for us to give voice to what we are feeling.  More and more people turn to social media to share those thoughts and feelings.  Sometimes it seems that the doors are barely shut on an ambulance before someone is sharing what happened.

It's inevitable (if it hasn't happened already) that someone is going to heedlessly share information about a tragedy and that will be how a parent, a child, or perhaps a sibling will find out that their loved one is dead.  I wonder also if the families of the deceased don't wind up feeling like people are sharing their personal tragedy as a way to get attention/likes on Facebook or Twitter.  I understand the need to talk.  It would be better to call up a friend, go see a family member or someone you can talk to to get it off your chest rather than turn to social media.  The family should be the guide and indicators of when to share.  Condolences given directly or in a caring note seem to me would be more comforting than to share on a social media platform.

It really shouldn't have to be pointed out that all the sharing of information and speculation are of no help to the officers that are working the investigations.  It all just muddies the water and makes their job harder.

More thought needs to be put into the timing of when something is shared, especially if it involves a tragedy, or if it even needs to be shared at all.
                                                                                                  Just Saying

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